Songs of Longing

My first album Songs of Longing is now released! You can purchase the digital album on my Bandcamp, or listen to the album on your favorite streaming platform.

Is now released!

Songs of Longing

Songs of Longing is an album that came into being in the unfolding of life. Some songs were written already in the tumultuous years of my twenties, while others were written more recently, in postpartum pain, while processing my past experiences, or simply floating in an emotion that wanted to be expressed through music. What these songs share is that they are all from times when I was awakened into life; through love, through loss, through longing.

Visit my Bandcamp if you want to purchase the Songs of Longin digital album and download all songs in WAV or MP3-format. The digital album also includes a digital PDF-booklet where you can access lyrics, images and stories behind some songs.

Purchasing an album or even just a song through my Bandcamp is the most direct way to support my music. Thank you!

Digital Album + Booklet

About Minnamari

I am Minnamari Helmisaari, and I am a Multidimensional Storyteller and Creative Channeler, which is my way of saying that I see my mission in this life as taking part in acts of creation and storytelling that are expressed in different forms, including sounds and music.

After mostly just sporadically playing live together with fellow students or colleagues, my focus has recently shifted to learning how to produce my own music. I have gathered up quite a lot of songs over the years, and am now in the process of releasing them into the world.

In addition to my studies in informatics and media art, I have a music theory and classical piano education, and a lot of experience performing music in different settings. I started out in the very formal setting of a classical music insitute, playing classical piano and singing in a kids' choir, with yearly exams where my playing was graded. I am grateful for the theoretical and practical foundation that this has given me, but the other side of the coin is that it has taken some time for me to develop my own sound and challenge my inner perfectionist to start playing more freely, in a way where expressing emotion is prioritized over technical perfection...

Currently the most regular performances I do are simply singing lullabies with my child. This little person has provided me with a great setting for experimenting with weird singing styles and just enjoying making sounds.

In addition to singing with my child, I am in the process of sharing my music more broadly on different platforms to make it available for others too. :)

  • Preferred software for audio editing:
    FL Studio, Audacity

  • Instruments: Piano, Keyboard, Ukulele

  • Experience:

    • Classical piano and music theory at Musikinstitutet kungsvägen, Finland (2002-2010)

    • Childrens' choir (2002-2007)

    • Student band (2011-2013)

    • Noise song Mnoisareth published (under the name MNAMRI) on Icelandic album Þ1 (2015) by Þ Kollektiv

    • Sound design for interactive prototypes (2014-2015)

    • Playing keyboard in a band (2019-2021)

    • Playing ukulele with fellow colleagues at my university's parties (2018-2020)

    • Independent music creation on the side (2002-ongoing)

    • Lullabies for my child (2021-ongoing)

    • Five singles and first full-length album, Songs of Longing, released (2024)

Fishes (Versions)

Visit my Bandcamp if you want to purchase the Fishes (Versions) digital EP and download the songs in WAV or MP3-format.

This EP features three additional versions of the song Fishes: two electronic versions, and a rawer, uncut piano version.

Digital EP



See Minnamari's other creative
channelings on




Instagram feed